
Showing posts from March, 2021

Spinal Cord Stimulation

  Spinal cord stimulation: Spinal cord stimulation is a procedure that delivers low-level electrical signals to the spinal cord or to specific nerves to block pain signals from reaching the brain - spine pain .

Back Pain Treatment

    At Omni Pain Care, we provide the best and latest non- surgical interventions to treat back pain. It is pain felt in the back that usually originates from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine. Back pain may have a sudden onset or can be a chronic pain; it can be constant or intermittent, stay in one place or radiate to other areas - lumbar pain . A mechanical problem is due to the way your spine moves or the way you feel when you move your spine in certain ways. Other mechanical causes of back pain include spasms, muscle tension, and ruptured discs, which are also called herniated discs. Although the causes of back pain are usually physical, it is important to know that emotional stress can play a role in how severe pain is and how long it lasts - back pain . At Omni Pain Care, have many types of health practitioners that care for patients with spinal condition, and each has a slightly different role. Selection of the most appropriate type of

Interventional Pain Management

  At Omni Pain care, interventional pain specialist is able to treat different non-spinal and spinal conditions due to his or her extensive training.   A combination of neurological and musculoskeletal anatomy knowledge enables them to use tools such as musculoskeletal and neurological imaging, exams, and electro-diagnosis to pinpoint the cause of the patient's pain and apply pain management procedures to alleviate and reduce one's pain - interventional pain management . Talking with an Interventional pain management specialist will determine which stage of treatment is best for you to have an improved and active life. Pain management specialists are trained in both interventional and non-interventional techniques and are also able to appreciate the need for physical and occupational therapy, psychopharmacology, and alternative treatments. Most sufferers have tried conventional relief methods, which may include medication, physical therapy, and functional restoration pro

Advanced Treatment

We use highly advanced interdisciplinary programs designed to help a person suffering from pain become part of the treatment team and take an active role in regaining control of their life in-spite of the - Pain .

Pain Management Centre in Florida

          At OMNI PAINCARE, We offer a comprehensive range of solutions to assess, diagnose and treat all types of problems affecting the spine. As a patient at our pain management, you have access to an outstanding level of patient care. We are usually able to offer our patients an appointment to see one of our specialist consultants within weeks - chronic pain . At OMNI PAIN CARE, we strongly believe in the ethos and philosophy that treating the whole person is vital, as ongoing pain has a profound impact on both physical and mental wellbeing, and on those close to you. We consider all aspects of your lifestyle before offering you treatment options. By understanding the why behind your pain, you can make lifestyle changes to minimise the impact of the pain on your life. Our goal is to put our patients in the driving seat, allowing them to manage their pain and return to an active and enjoyable life - interventional pain management . For more information, please visit our sit