Pain Relief with Spinal Cord Stimulator



Spinal cord stimulation includes setting lasting anodes in the spinal segment as a drawn out agony diminishing methodology. It is conjectured to work by impeding the transmission of torment sensation to the mind. There is a similitude to transcutaneous electrical nerve incitement whereby electrical flow is gone through surface terminals in the district of continuous agony along these lines lessening that torment - chronic pain.

However, spinal cord stimulation or more correctly dorsal column stimulation is a more effective and applicatable modality in the treatment of chronic daily pain. The spinal cord stimulation system consists of one or two spinal leads and an implantable generator.

 If the patient is deemed a good candidate by their pain physician, the first step is to perform a trail of the stimulation. Here used this to treat many patients improving their ability to function, perform various activities, and lead a more normal life - Pain doctor near me.

Spinal cord stimulation is a pain relieving procedure that utilizes the administration of electric current pulses directly affecting the spinal cord by an implanted pulse generator. This electric pulse interferes with the brains nerve impulse to your brains that relay pain. For more information, please visit our site


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