Herniated Disc in Lower Back


A herniated disc is a condition that can occur anywhere along the spine, but most often occurs in the lower back. It is sometimes called a bulging, protruding, or ruptured disc. It is one of the most common causes of lower back pain, as well as leg pain or sciatica. Initial treatment for a herniated disk is usually nonsurgical in nature. Treatment focuses on providing pain relief - herniated disc.

During the physical exam, our doctor will check your back for tenderness. Our doctor may also perform a neurological exam to check your reflexes, muscle strength, Walking ability and ability to feel light touches, pinpricks or vibration. In most cases of herniated disk, a physical exam and a medical history are all that's needed for a diagnosis.

A herniated disc occurs when the gel-like center of a disc ruptures through a weak area in the tough outer wall, similar to the filling being squeezed out of a jelly doughnut. Leg pain - back pain, numbness or tingling may result when the disc material touches or compresses a spinal nerve.

The pain is a result of spinal nerve inflammation and swelling caused by the pressure of the herniated disc. Symptoms of a herniated disc vary greatly depending on the location of the herniation and your own response to pain. Treatment with rest, pain medication, spinal injections, and physical therapy is the first step to recovery. For more information, please visit our site https://omnipaincare.com/



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