
Showing posts from June, 2021

Interlaminar Epidural Steroid Injection

An epidural injection places anti-inflammatory medicine (cortisone) into the epidural space to reduce nerve inflammation, and hopefully reduce your symptoms - chronic pain .

SI Joint Injection

    The sacroiliac joint is the part of the body that connects the base of the spine (sacrum) and the part of the pelvis called the ilium. There are two main causes of sacroiliac joint pain, sacroilitis and sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Sacroilitis is an inflammation of the joint and as such may cause pain in the lower back, buttocks and thighs - hip pain . They provide the connection between your spine and your lower body. These joint are now known to cause back pain in some individuals, but is the number of people affected by SI joint pain, considerably underestimated? This greatly reduces the sensation of pain and discomfort. Full recovery might take a few weeks' time, after which patients can resume work and routine activities - back pain . SI joint injection can be used as both a diagnostic and therapeutic modality for SI joint pain. This procedure involves introducing a local anesthetic or a mixture of local anesthetic and corticosteroids into the joint. For more info

Basics of Interventional Pain Management

    Pain doctors can help many patients with pain with an interventional pain management injection. Interventional pain management is a specialized field in medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of chronic and/or acute pain and other related disorders. This is more of a multidisciplinary approach, which is offered by a team of experienced doctors and healthcare professionals - interventional pain management . With interventional pain management, doctors aim to reduce chronic and or acute pain, besides focusing on better living. The treatment is entirely different from other forms of pain management because there is no direct dependency on pain-relief medications. Interventional pain management is particularly beneficial for patients who are suffering from neck and back pain. Physicians may use more than one approach to the condition, depending on the diagnosis. The use of steroidal injections in the joints and epidural space is quite common, while injections are

Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression therapy is an exciting modern healthcare treatment for back and neck pain due to a variety of conditions.   There is a great deal of research to support the effectiveness of spinal decompression in relieving pain and symptoms - spine pain .

Hip/Sciatic Pain

      Pain in the sacroiliac joint causes low back pain in 20 to 25% of those with chronic low back pain. Unfortunately, there are 2 SI joints which can both cause pain at any one point in time due to degenerative arthritis. One of the biggest causes of low back pain is sacroiliac joint disease, also known as the SI joint - hip pain . As individuals age, arthritis ensues and weight bearing mobile joints may experience significant pain. There are sacroiliac joints on both sides of the body. They are joints with cartilage and some movement does occur in the joints. It is not nearly as much movement as a ball and socket joint like the hip, but enough to cause daily pain for individuals - Pain doctor near me . The sacral bone, located where the spinal column ends, is connected to the pelvis bone by the sacroiliac joint bridges. The structure acts a shock absorber when we run and walk, protecting the spinal cord from injuries while supporting the upper body. The sacroiliac joint dys