Hip/Sciatic Pain




Pain in the sacroiliac joint causes low back pain in 20 to 25% of those with chronic low back pain. Unfortunately, there are 2 SI joints which can both cause pain at any one point in time due to degenerative arthritis. One of the biggest causes of low back pain is sacroiliac joint disease, also known as the SI joint - hip pain.

As individuals age, arthritis ensues and weight bearing mobile joints may experience significant pain. There are sacroiliac joints on both sides of the body. They are joints with cartilage and some movement does occur in the joints. It is not nearly as much movement as a ball and socket joint like the hip, but enough to cause daily pain for individuals - Pain doctor near me.

The sacral bone, located where the spinal column ends, is connected to the pelvis bone by the sacroiliac joint bridges. The structure acts a shock absorber when we run and walk, protecting the spinal cord from injuries while supporting the upper body. The sacroiliac joint dysfunction exercises help in restoring the flexibility of the muscles around the sacroiliac joint by stretching and strengthening them. It also helps avoid aggravating the condition. For more information, please visit our site https://omnipaincare.com/


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